Tuesday, October 2, 2012

2 Cor 10:5

"We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."  2 Cor 10:5

This verse has been running through my head the past couple of days.  

It's a powerful one.

I love the beginning of it, "We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God."  Demolish those thoughts that you have, the ones that say you are not enough, the voices that say you are unlovable, ugly or unworthy.  Demolish the words you hear that tell you you are wrong, not good enough, smart enough or pretty enough.  Those ideas go against the very knowledge of God.

In God's eyes you are beautiful, worthy, loved.  You are treasured, adored and made whole. You dear child are exactly who God wants you to be.

Demolish the pretension that having more will make you happy.  That peace will come from a bigger house, a newer car or more stuff.  Demolish the pretension that it is OK to speak out in anger against someone you love.  Demolish the pretension that is OK to carry that sin with you, because everybody has some kind of issue right?  Demolish these pretensions, they set themselves up against the knowledge of God. 

It's the next part I struggle with, "and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ."  EVERY thought? Do you have ANY idea how many thoughts I have throughout the day?  I think about what I'm going to wear, what the kids will need for school, what to make for dinner, when I'm going to get that reading done.  WHAT is that stuff growing in the corner (I didn't think dust bunnies got that big!)?  I think about my children, my husband, my friend who is struggling, bills, laundry (no really I think about it, I just don't do it!), my next term paper, my small groups, my upcoming marathon, the kids schedule, the weekly menu.  I mean have A LOT of thoughts during a single day.   

And I am supposed to make EVERY ONE of those obedient to Christ?!?!  


I am.

Do I do that?


Should I?



Because His way is ALWAYS the best way, ALWAYS, and that is what he asks us to do.

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