Tuesday, October 9, 2012


I have been a very casual runner most of my life.  It wasn't uncommon for me to go out for a run every now and then in high school, but I can't remember ever running more than 2 miles. And even that was inconsistent at best.

This trend continued in college and young adulthood.  I would run inconsistently, but never very far. I couldn't run far because I would never give it the time and energy it required.  There was always something better to do.

Flash forward 10 plus years and 3 kids, though I hadn't done it for YEARS I still assumed I could pick up and run 2 miles whenever I wanted.  It was very humbling for me the day I realized this was no longer the case.  I was barely able to run 1 mile let alone 2.  That was 3 years ago.

Two days ago I ran my second marathon.  In the last 3 years, I have made running one of my priorities. Yes, there is still generally always something better to do (like sleep), but I decided I was going to be a runner.  So run I must.  Sometimes its 3 miles on rare occasions it's 26.2. But it's something that I build my week and my day around.  It's a priority.

I have been a very casual Christian most of my life as well.  It wasn't uncommon for me to go to church in high school (OK I went every Sunday) but my devotion, that was inconsistent at best.

This trend continued in college and young adulthood, I would turn to God inconsistency, but never let the relationship go very far.  I would never give it the time and energy it required.  There was always something better to do.

Flash forward 5 plus years and 2 miscarriages later and I still assumed I could pick up my relationship with God whenever wanted.  It was very humbling for me the day I realized this was not the case.  I didn't need him in my life every now and then, I needed him in life EVERY DAY!  EVERY MOMENT!  That was 10 years ago.

Lat month I started seminary.  In the past 10 years GOD has become my priority, He comes first over everything else.  Yes sometimes it might seem like there are better things to do then spend time with him, follow his path or live the way He is asking me.  But I decided I was going to be a Christian. So follow Him I must.  Sometimes it means sacrifice, sometimes it means I will be left out, sometimes it is hard, but it is ALWAYS worth it.  It's something I build my week, my day, my very life around.  It's a priority.

What are your priorities?

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