Wednesday, July 25, 2012

I'm a Messy Person

I'm a messy cook.

I'm a messy eater.

I'm even a messy cleaner.

Let's face it, I'm just a messy person.

I'm not proud of it, but it is the truth.

And my house, unfortunately, bears the mark of this imperfection of mine.

A few weeks ago, I decided  the house needed a deep cleaning.  So the kids and I picked up all the clutter (clothes, toys, shoes, socks, books, stuffed animals, action figures, old food, cups and what not) that had some how gathered in our family room/kitchen area.  Let's face it doesn't the clutter ALWAYS gather in the kitchen?  Then I swept up the three truck loads of dog hair our 100+ pound shepherd mix had shed (that day) and set about mopping the floor.  Now, please don't think less of me, but mopping the floor is not my favorite thing to do.  As a result, it doesn't get done all that often  (think somewhere between never and rarely).

So you can imagine how good the floors looked after they were washed that day!  I sat back, admired my work and felt good about how clean everything was.  Well the VERY NEXT day, I noticed a spot I had missed.  So I got out the mop, for the second day in a row!!  That's got to be some kind of record right?  Well I couldn't believe the amount of dirt that mop picked up!  Didn't I just mop the floor yesterday?!?  Had I really let the house get that out of hand?  Was it SO dirty that the first go around had only gotten it less dirty, but not really clean?  And what's worse was I so used to the dirt that I didn't even see it anymore!  Was  I so used to dirt in my life that I thought something was perfectly clean just because it was LESS DIRTY than I was used to!  This scared me on  a whole different level.

How many other areas of my life were this dirty?  So dirty that I was beginning to think I was sparkling clean just because I wasn't AS DIRTY as I was before.  This thought has brought me to my knees more than once in the past weeks.  It has been clear to me that I need a deep and thorough cleaning everyday if I want to make any progress on the dirt piling up I'm my life, and I am no longer talking about the floors in my kitchen.  I'm  no longer content with being less dirty than I was before, I long to be clean, truly clean, clean from the inside out.

I'm still a messy cook.

I'm still a mess eater, and a messy cleaner.

I'm still messy.  But I'm working on getting clean every day.

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